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Hi, my name is Anthony Cathey, and I am the lead pastor here at Bonney Lake Community Church. I’m not really sure what caused you to navigate to this exact spot today. But I am thankful to have an opportunity to share a few words with you.
As a kid, growing up in “church” I always enjoyed playing with the friends I had met. But I could never get used to all the rules, the judgmentalism, the double standards, and lack of love that many of the adults modeled. Some of that was my own ignorance and some of it was simply bad religion. 

It wasn’t until I was around the age of 28 that I decided to try and seek out who Jesus was and what it really meant to be a Christian.  I was pleasantly surprised to find out that God, because of what Jesus had done for us, wasn’t an angry dictator. He was instead like a loving and gracious parent who desperately wanted the best relationship possible for He and I and for me and others. God’s directives are meant to help us grow in our relationship with Him, with others, and with the world He created. They are not meant as a scorecard to compare our morality with other people’s morality.

Once I began to understand this, I began to really love who God is and what He is doing for us. I still have a lot of questions and I am still trying to learn more about how we, as those who belong to Jesus, can grow to love each other and God and get rid of the hypocrisy and condemnation.

 We all make mistakes. We are all human. In fact, church is the only organization in the world that in order to become a member you have to be a self-proclaimed sinner. It is only with this admission that we truly demonstrate our need for God’s love and discover our empathy with the rest of the world.

So here, at Bonney Lake Community Church, we gather together in order to support and encourage one another in our journey of getting to know our Creator. We seek to know Jesus through the Bible, we seek to see His majesty in the created world, and we hope to get a glimpse of Him through His Spirit that dwells in and among His people.

Thank you for your time and I hope to meet with you in person someday. I pray that you would sense God’s love for you and that you would decide to take a step toward getting to know Him. As the Bible says:

“God’s purpose was for the nations to seek after Him and perhaps feel their way toward him and find him—though he is not far from any one of us…”

The leadership and I don’t have God, Jesus, and church all figured out, but it is our hope that you would join us on our journey of getting to know Christ and in helping others to get to know Him.
Please feel free to send me an email at


Where We Are

Bonney Lake Community Church

8201 Locust Ave E
Bonney Lake, WA 98391
United States

Phone(253) 863-3076

Who We Are

Find out more about our church, what we believe, and what we do in the ABOUT US section.

When We Meet

We meet every Sunday at 10:00am for Fellowship Time, and 10:30am for our worship service. During the Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order, our worship services are livestreamed on YouTube and Facebook.

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