About BLCC

Everything we do at BLCC is based on the Worship of God, the Word of God, and the Work of God!  Our Vision and Mission convey who God has called us to be and what God has called us to do.
Our Vision: Bonney Lake Community Church seeks to be a fellowship of believers that know Jesus Christ intimately and make Him known globally.
 Our Mission: Bonney Lake Community Church seeks to
KNOW Christ intimately,
GROW in Christ-like maturity,
SHOW Christ's love practically,
and GO make Christ's disciples actively!

What We Believe

We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God, without error in the original writing.
We believe in one God who is Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that through Adam's sin of disobedience  he fell from his high and holy estate and, as a consequence of his transgression,
became a sinner by nature, being alienated from God. That fallen nature was transmitted to every human with the exception of Jesus Christ.

As a result, we are essentially and unchangeably morally deficient apart from God's grace and are, by ourselves, utterly unable to remedy our lost condition.
We believe in the existence and personality of Satan.
We believe that the believing sinner is saved and justified by God's grace through faith and that "not of ourselves" but by the shed blood of Jesus Christ.
We believe that all believers have been born of the Holy Spirit and are now partakers of eternal life and sealed unto the day of  redemption.
We believe that believer's baptism and communion are the only Scriptural ordinances for this present age.
We believe that it is the responsibility of the local church to collectively and individually witness Christ by life and by word of mouth and to evangelize the whole world with the Gospel of the grace of God.
We believe that the local church is autonomous and self-governing under the leadership of Christ, through pastors and overseers to whom the membership looks for instruction, example, counsel, and discipline.

Our Ministries


We offer weekly Bible study, Children's Church, Fellowship, and other opportunities to connect with others. Click below to find out more.

Get Involved


Ready to dive in and serve at BLCC? Fill out our volunteer form and we'll be in touch!



We support missions and missionaries close to home, and around the world. Click below to find out more.

Prayer Requests


Can we pray for you? Let us know how we can help.